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fascination stereo photography

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Photography is a play with the geometry of space and the imaged reality and subject. The camera gives geometric conditions for the images, but the master of the image choreography is the photographer. He arranges the content of the compositon and the geometrical perspective by choosing e.g. the focal length and his position regarding to the image subject.

navigational light in the morning sun upstairs to the tunnel the minster and the bridge
different play with space, geometry, point of capture and focal length,
buth where is the depth?

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These are the main aspects of the “mapped” geometry of the reality. But here, the third dimension is lost except the photographer can choreograph the depth of the reality by the light or other dimensional design components for imaging the dimensional space.
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So, stereo photography (stereoscopy) is to conserve the three dimensionality of the subject by taking at least two images (stereogram) of the same viewing window by a different capturing composition for being able  to view it in 3D by the corresponding stereo presentation technics.

stereoscopic perseption by viewing with our two eyes

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The theory of stereo photography gives the rules for the composition of stereograms (stereo photographs). It is a composition of the external geometry of the capturing positions and the geometry of the camera(s). But the choreography of stereograms is the core fascination: selecting the subject to be stereogrammed and the arrangement of the image composition.
It is a game of geometry in combination of the subject, the photography equipment, the realization of the stereogram and last but not least its presentation.

3d-minox wiggled stereogram

3d-minox colour anaglyphs stereogram 3d-minox parallelview stereogram 3d-minox black&white anaglyphs stereogram
stereogram of a minox dcc 5.1 camera in different presentation modes

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last update: 20.11.2017
published: 26.2.2015

Stereo Shows

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Stereo Insides

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Stereo Manager

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StereoScopist at Stereoscopy
The Art of Stereoscopy
The Depth in Photography

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