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Birds – photos

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Birds in Front of the Lens

Swan in Zurich - Springtime
Swan with Springtime Feeling
Lake of Zürich
Swan in Zurich - Springtime
Proud Black Bird - Animals
Proud Black Bird Walking
Proud Black Bird - Animals
Bird Landing with Grossmünster Zürich - Animal Photography
Bird Landing with Grossmünster Skyline
Zürich, Römerhof
Bird Landing with Grossmünster Zürich - Animal Photography
Bird above the clouds - Aletsch Glacier - Swiss Landscapes
Bird above the clouds
Aletsch Glacier
Bird above the clouds - Aletsch Glacier - Swiss Landscapes
solar eclips with bird 2015
Bird doesn't care solar eclipse
Berne, 2015
solar eclips with bird 2015
Bird in Front of the Lightened Window - Animal Photography in Black & White
Bird in Front of the Lightened Window - Black and White
Bird in Front of the Lightened Window - Animal Photography in Black & White

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photography & stereoscopy
Berne - Switzerland
& Europe
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