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personal stereoscopic milestones

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Personal Stereoscopic Milestones

> fascination stereo photography <

Childhoodbeginning interests in stereoscopy
~2000Buying first stereoscopic books
2013beginning experimenting with digital stereoscopy
2015first 3D presentation in the web3D Selection by MindScaper – stereo
2015flexible capturing system with dynamic stereobase
2016first exhibition "Berne in 3D"Berne in 3D – Exhibition 2016
2022first book "Bern in 3D - First Walk Throught the Old Center",
24 Red-Cyan Anaglyph Stereograms
Bern in 3D (I) – stereo book

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last update: 24.9.2022
published: 24.9.2022

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StereoScopist at Stereoscopy
The Art of Stereoscopy
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